
Types of Fire Trucks

Firefighters put their lives on the line to save people and property from the devastating effects of fire. They do so with the aid of their specialized equipment and vehicles, including a variety of fire trucks. Each truck is different and has its own unique features. Some are used primarily for structural firefighting, while others may be equipped to tackle vehicle accidents or other emergency situations. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) classifies firetrucks by type and function, which helps fire departments find the right apparatus for their needs.

Engine truck

Also known as a fire pumper, an engine company or a fire engine, this is the most common type of firetruck. Typically carrying 3 to 4 firefighters, it’s designed to provide first responder support on the scene of an emergency until additional help arrives. Firefighters use the vehicle’s master stream nozzle and fixed deluge gun to control a fire or rescue people from the scene. The nozzles and gun are connected to a water tank on the truck, so firefighters can start spraying as soon as they arrive at the scene.

Ladder truck

A ladder truck, or quint, can be found in most fire departments. They have the ability to extend a hydraulic ladder up to a building, which can be useful in fighting fires or performing emergency rescue operations. They’re also often equipped with a fire suppression system, which can douse flames or smoke with water or foam to protect the crew from exposure to hazardous substances.

Ladders can be extended by a boom or arm, which can bend in one or more places to go over obstacles. Some of these systems are controlled by computers, which can help firefighters maneuver the equipment safely.

Tactical water tender

A specialist firetruck, a tactical water tender can be useful in rural areas where fire hydrants are not readily available and natural water sources are difficult to exploit. The vehicle is primarily used to send water to the scene so that firefighters can utilize it for extinguishing and other emergency purposes.


A specialty firetruck, a tanker is designed to transport large amounts of water to the scene of an emergency. The water can come from a nearby pond, lake or other bodies of water and be sent to the fire to assist with firefighting efforts.

If you’re interested in buying a retired firetruck, check out the selection on Municibid’s online auction marketplace. Our collection includes a wide range of vehicles, from small, compact firetrucks to massive ladder trucks. Most vehicles require a commercial driver’s license, though smaller trucks and those with fewer tools may not need to meet this requirement. Our inventory is constantly evolving, so be sure to check back regularly for the latest additions!

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