
Types of Fire Extinguishers

A fire extinguisher is a lifesaving device that can be used to put out small fires, especially in their early stages. Fire extinguishers can also be important tools to help evacuate a building and escape a fire that might otherwise become uncontrollable. However, it is important to remember that a fire extinguisher can only be used in limited circumstances, and should never be regarded as a replacement for an evacuation plan or as the only means of escaping from a home.

The most common fire extinguisher types found in homes are multipurpose dry chemical and carbon dioxide extinguishers. These devices are available in different sizes, ranging from five to twenty feet of range. They smother the fire by separating the fuel from oxygen. These extinguishers can be used on Class A, Class B and Class C fires. They are not suitable for fighting a metal fire (Class D).

Dry chemical extinguishers contain a fine powder of an extinguishing agent, usually monoammonium phosphate, which looks like yellow talcum powder and is propelled by nitrogen gas. These are effective on Class A, B and Class C fires, but are messy and require some effort to use. They are usually found in hallways and occasionally in labs. To operate a dry chemical fire extinguisher, pull the pin through the seal and aim at the base of the fire. Use a sweep motion with the nozzle to move it side to side, keeping it constantly in contact with the flames until the fire is extinguished.

Carbon Dioxide extinguishers are a non-toxic variety that works on Class D fires, which include electrical fires and burning fat or oil. This type of extinguisher is useful in office buildings and computer rooms, as it won’t damage electrical equipment. It works by suffocating the fire, and it can be used to easily clear an exit path in the event of an emergency.

Water extinguishers are the least hazardous varieties, and they work by cooling the burning materials with a spray of water. They are effective against Class A, B and C fires and can also be used on electrical equipment up to 1,000 volts, making them a good choice for offices and hotels. To use a water extinguisher, pull the pin, aiming low and sweeping from side to side.

Before attempting to use a fire extinguisher, make sure that everyone in your home is aware of where it is kept. It is also a good idea to share its location with babysitters, house sitters and other visitors to your home. If you feel that your safety is being threatened by a fire, it is better to call for help than try to fight it on your own. Always determine a safe evacuation route and stay away from the fire, heat and smoke when evacuating. Call the fire department from your cell phone if you think the situation is beyond your abilities to control. Have your fire escape plan ready in advance and practice it regularly.

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