
How to Handle a Fire Accident

A fire accident can be devastating, not only for the loss of lives and property but also the physical, emotional and psychological trauma that can linger for years. If the accident was caused by another person’s or company’s negligence, the injured victims deserve compensation for their losses. A personal injury lawyer with experience in handling fire accidents can help a victim get the maximum settlement available.

Home Fire Accidents

Many residential fire accidents are the result of cooking or heating equipment, smoking and children playing with matches and cigarette lighters. Children are the largest group of deaths due to home fires. They are three times more likely to die than adults due to a household fire. If a child is intoxicated, they are at an even higher risk of death.

Workplace Fire Accidents

Fire accidents at the workplace are often the result of electrical problems, defective equipment or careless or inattentive employees. Whether it is an older building with outdated wiring or machinery that relies on complex electronic parts, these equipment can produce fire hazards if they are not routinely maintained or the parts are faulty or manufactured incorrectly. Smoking is a major contributor to fires at the workplace. Even though most workplaces are now non-smoking, smokers continue to start fires at their places of employment.

When a fire breaks out, the first thing to do is to evacuate the premises. A fire can create a toxic atmosphere that is low in oxygen and high in harmful fumes, such as carbon monoxide. A person who is trapped in a room with a fire should try to stay calm and follow the “stop, drop and roll” procedure. Stop a person from panicking or moving around, which will actually increase the flames; drop to the ground and cover the casualty with a blanket or coat; then roll on top of them until the fire is extinguished.

The next step is to call the police and emergency services as soon as possible. Then, make sure to stay out of a damaged building until local authorities say it is safe to return.

Once it is safe to do so, take pictures of all of your belongings that were affected by the fire. This will help you identify what is and is not salvageable. Either you or a restoration company will need to sort through your belongings and remove items that can be saved. In addition, it is important to address your finances. If your house burned down, you will need to continue making mortgage payments and replace any credit cards or other identification that may have been destroyed. A settlement in a fire accident lawsuit can cover all of these expenses and provide you with the money that you need for a more stable future. However, no amount of money can completely take away the pain and suffering that a fire accident can cause. That is why it is essential to consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

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